
Thursday, December 02, 2004

TIB - This I Believe - Origination

Thanks to Tom Peters for the idea. In turn, Tom credits Bill Caudill whose friends put together The TIBS of Bill Caudill after his death in 1983. Tom turned 60 in November 2002 and wrote down 60 thoughts one for each year he had lived.

Well, I turn 52 next year. Wow, what a number! So why can't I put together 52 TIBS. One for each of my years. One for each of the weeks in a year. One for each of the things that I believe. As I start out of course, I do not know if I'll hit 52 things much less the 51 for this year. But it is worth a try.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

TIB #1

I do believe in connections. I found Tom's 60 TIBS in ChangeThis. I found his new book Project04 contains Tom's 60 TIBS. I picked up Stephen Covey's new book: The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness recently. His solution is to 1 - Discover your voice. 2 - Inspire others to find their voice. Hmmm... that is what I have been trying to do with this blog. I was late to this blogging space but am now finding my own voice, or at least the courage to say my two cents.

While the courage to express myself so publicly is recent, the connections (seeing the trees in the forest) have been there for sometime. The thoughts also have been coming together. Eventually, this space might see the Bingo Theory fully explained.

Briefly, the Bingo Theory is all about connections. And choice. We have all been given a card to play in this life. The events, experiences, opportunities of life come at us. They are the letter and number combinations on our card. It is sort of predetermined, like our parents are predetermined. What we do with what we have or who we are is dependent upon our choice.

So back to this game of life. There is a bingo caller droning on; B4, C7... Some of these match our card. Some we choose to follow, some we do not. The senses can go into overload. We have only so much bandwidth to focus our attention. Why follow B4 or C7? We were tuned to it. Eventually the matches lead to a full row and Bingo! We have a learning experience. We can move on to the next card.

I guess this is why the Nkosi Johnson quote struck the bell yesterday: "Do all you can with what you have in the time you have in the place you are."

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