
Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Orange Numbers

If we roll our orange round
first, it will
peel like an apple
second, so
you can give me a quarter
third, so we can
beslobber our mouths with juice
fourth, so we can have a magnificent
excuse for a kiss
sixth, and clean up our act.

Fifth, fifth, oh yes
there was a fifth
but by the time
that gets passed around
and back to us
there’ll be nothing left..

Let’s have another orange!

For CC

This was written many years ago while I was doing my undergraduate studies at Assumption College. Both CC and I were student athletes and at a party together where there was some drinking. However, we were both in training and could not participate in that aspect of the party so we did our own thing and enjoyed a few oranges. She had not seen an orange peeled like that before so I was able to delight her with the story and then the poem later. I think I liked the fantasy part about the kissing. I recall that it was suggested, and tried, but not encouraged.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This has always been on of my favorites.

    Sometimes I do wonder at some of the strange memories of my childhood.

    For example:

    The perfect time for a poem was always over an orange, or an oreo. However, when told while eating an oreo, it was remembering the time we ate the orange. And after that, it was usually time for another orange.

    As years have passed by the strangeness of a perfect poem and an orange has become much less, now it is only others who are strange not to view it as the perfect time.

  3. It is nice to read the origional story of the poem. And nice to know my part in maybe changing its context; to a sober room filled with love and cold kitchen tiles.
