Monday, January 31, 2011

Giving back

Good morning, time to review #the5

The Winners of The Now Revolution Blogger Program  me: now here's a listing to subscribe to and read! 
75 bloggers won a couple of copies of the new book "Now Revolution" with the commitment to do a review and give away at least one copy. The listing of bloggers involved is one good way to find some good reading and people you might like to know. Oh, and yes, the book itself is going to be good too! That's a bonus.

How Networked Nonprofits Visualize Their Networks  me: good ideas on how to leverage your network  @
I started playing with my LinkedIn network and the new visualization tool they just revealed. Beth Kanter goes further and shows how a non-profit can build a visualization of their own network with simple sticky notes. This may be something the Franklin Food Pantry should do in the near future.

Evil Plans  @ recommending @ who has a book, a must read on both counts! 
I read Hugh before I met CC but both events occurred some time ago. To have them together is a good thing. Can't wait to read Hugh's book.

Your Places  me: @ shares about your place and how to make it better! 
What is you place? How do you make it better? I always try to learn something everyday and Chris is usually a big part of that learning experience. What are you doing to make your place better?

Job Search Jam Sessions: First Scholarship to PodCamp WesternMA  three remain - will one be yours?  
PodCamp WesternMA is coming up this Saturday. I plan on being there to work the Welcome/Registration Desk and participate in the track for those job seeking. There are three free tickets still available if you are looking for work and can get to Westfield, MA. The rest of the process is easy. Follow the link above!

So how do we summarize today? You need to know who you are, where your network is (who it is), be bold about your planning and give back. Giving back helps to make those around you better!