Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Inside #the5 Wednesday - favorite

Good morning, time for #the5 today. Let's see what we can find for you to use!

10 Industries Where The Jobs Aren't Coming Back  me: the listing makes sense, anything you would add? 
For those job searching, looking in all the right places will help to start being successful. If one of these is on your listing, you should have a real good reason why!

The Gifts of 2010  @ asks for you to go to your archives and find goodness to share! 
Amy Palko invites you to go to your archives and find something good to share. I'll mark this for my own "To Do" listing.

A Year in 140  me: what does your Twitter year look like? @ shares hers 
Joanna Paterson goes to her Twitter Favorites to find the year's best. A good idea but I don't use favorites on Twitter. Maybe I should.

5 Cloud Startups to Watch in 2011 #2: Netuitive  me: cool what you can do today 
I remember one project for the State where we had a script to keep checking on the status of our network services. This was back before the days of such automation that comes pre-packaged. The script was also set up to give us an all-clear signal at 11:50 AM. This did two things for us. One it confirmed that the alert process was actually functioning. Two, it let us know we could afford to take time to have lunch.

30 Great Podcasts for Nonprofits  me: a great listing, I'll need to add some of these to my listening 
I have been accumulating some podcasts and other listening materials (i.e. books) to use during my drive time to work. This will be a great source of info for the non-profit world to add to my listing.

Do you listen to any podcasts? What are your favorites? And that seems to be the best word to wrap up today's findings - "favorite".

What have you learned that you can share today?