Sunday, May 21, 2006

Quotes & Links


It's a silly thing, I know. But it's a welcome flood of feedback. It's also fascinating to know that sometimes you learn the most about someone when they're not there.

For the full posting, follow the link.


From Patti Digh writing at 37 Days:

... without a word, Nana leaned toward Emma and put the box directly in front of her, quietly teaching Emma how to slowly lift and replace the lid gently rather than taking the box from her. Teaching her to respect the beauty, not holding it from her. Showing her how to navigate fragility, not assuming she wasn’t capable. Recognizing which had the most value: a china box, or a great-granddaughter. It was a lovely, quiet moment, a real lesson for this new mother, for any human, really.

Read the full posting here.


From Tom Asacker writing at A Clear Eye:

In my view, sales is a lot like package design.  Its purpose is to make those who are exposed to the company's offering believe in the effectiveness of that offering to provide value.  Like a product in a box, there are many valuable aspects of a brand that are not visible to a prospect.  A great salesperson brings those aspects clearly into view - and to life!

For the full context, follow the link.



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