Saturday, February 18, 2006

New template today

What did you do?

Yes, it was about time. I needed I new look.

Work is busy or quiet, on or off, in or out, up or down, debit or credit.
Hey, all technology is even ones or zeros.
You get the idea.

So the new template is color themed blue/white.
Blue for the sky, the ocean, for the eternal optimism I wake with each day. 

But rest assured, I will continue to think, live, write in between, amongst, around, above, below, the line, etc. No more dodging the issues. Let's take them on!

With your help via comments, emails, and overall cooperative collaborative inspiration of course!

So that said: what do you think? Is this a keeper?

Let me know.

PS - with a little luck both Passion for the Good Customer Experience and Passionate Runner will get new looks this weekend also.

PSS - and many thanks to Thur Broeders for the template!
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  1. I like the new look. Crisp and clear. I too like to switch the look of my blog from time to time. It gives it a newness. The important thing is to have relevant content, your blog is always tops in that category. We will challenge through the blog and comments. looking forward to it.

  2. Thank you Rocky! It is good to get your kind of feedback. It helps feed the fire within.

  3. Hey, this looks great Steve! Sharp and easy on the eyes...nice work. Before we know'll be the next Troy. Okay, maybe not...I don't know how he does it, it's amazing. But renewing your site really does give you a good, fresh feeling, doesn't it?

  4. Yes, it feels free, clean, and best of all comfortable. I think the layout will help serve you (my readers) better.

    Joy, there is only one Troy. I appreciate what he does and have no intention of changing this template as often.

    Thank you for stopping by!
