Sunday, September 11, 2005

Quotes & Links

Another gem from Patricia Digh at 37 Days

But many times we can’t wait for the systems that created the mess to fix themselves and we can’t wait for the conditions to be right for change. It will take too long. It’s not in their best interest; things are just dandy from where They sit in their chair with arms. The crown fits them. We cannot give our power away to the people who took it from us in the first place.

Instead, put arms on your own chair if you have to. If arms are that important to you, then duct tape them on if you must. Find the change you can and must make. Then fund your own revolution.

Doc Searls shares this link to Dave Rogers who is deconstructing the Cluetrain Manifesto
Let's leave aside the economic realities of feudal economies and indentured servitude, and just consider this: The phrase caveat emptor means, "let the buyer beware." I don't know when it originated, but the New Oxford American Dictionary suggests that it originated in the early 16th century. The industrial revolution is dated around the late 18th and early 19th centuries. So for nearly three centuries, long before the assertion that "markets are conversations" was even a glimmer in a marketer's eye, there was an aphorism that suggested that someone trying to sell you something was someone you might have reason to be wary of. So there's a disconnect here between the notion of "conversation" between peers, and deception or fraud in the act of selling.

Doc's market never existed. And it likely never will.

And why is that? What is the real activity of the marketplace? It is, most assuredly, not conversation.
Good stuff, read the whole thing here.

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