Sunday, July 10, 2005

Links & Quotes - Monday

From Lorraine Berry at Culture Kitchen we find this excerpt:
What is it for a man to surrender to a woman? Is it to imagine what it is to be the glove, rather than the hand. To be the sheath. That is what vagina means, you know. Sheath. From the Latin. I find it fascinating that a part of the female body, the canal through which women bring forth new life, the first journey we experience as human beings—sliding through a fleshy tunnel into the light and cold—that the name for that conduit is not related to its function in birth, but rather, bears the name of a holder of a weapon. A scabbard—the covering in which you insert your sword.
I urge you to read the whole thing.

From Graeme Codrington at ?
In the “Connection Economy”, we argue that one of the most important features will be a focus on creating experiences for clients. No longer can you differentiate your products from your competitors’ simply by relying on functionality, price, quality or anything intrinsic in the product/service/offering itself. You and your competitors are selling similar stuff, at the same quality, to the same customers, at similar prices, distributing through the same channels, advertising in the same media using similar techniques, and you even swap staff every few years. To differentiate yourself from your competitors you need to provide an experience linked to the purchasing moment as well as the product/service/offering itself.

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