Monday, February 14, 2005

Dan Bricklin's Next Big Thing

Dan Bricklin announces his new project in his blog today on the way to the DEMO conference where he will reveal more details. You can read about this in his posting.

The thing I liked about what I read was here is a good example of one of those "aha, defining moments" laid out for us in his first person voice.

"In mid-November it hit me: There are certain basic things about copyright law, computer software licenses in general, and Open Source in particular, that most developers don't know... I wondered: What type of training is there for developers today? If there isn't much, maybe I'm the right one to do it."

His research revealed that there was not much, so he has his new project underway to deliver training (via DVD) for developers to meet this need.

Isn't there something in what you do, see, hear about that could create this kind of "aha moment" for yourself?

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