Sunday, February 27, 2005

Cyclist peddles program to help kids ride, eat healthy

From the Boston Sunday Globe today comes this inspirational story about Julianne Idlet.

A change in work (as in being laid off from) complicated by a health problem (a collapsed lung due to a misdiagnosed case of pneumonia) provided Julianne some time to think, cruise the internet and do some research on cycling, one of her passions.

"Obesity rates have tripled in school-age children and adolescents since 1970, according to the American Dietetic Association. Studies blame kids' lack of exercise, poor eating habits and lack of intellectual stimulation.

"It was so sad to learn that kids today have a shorter life expectancy than we do, and it's because of their lack of exercise and poor eating habits," Idlet said."

What did she do? She turned to her passion (cycling).

"It seemed to her that a similar solution to childhood obesity was within easy grasp - that by appealing to kids' inherent interest in bicycles, she could teach them the habits to become fit for life. This awakened an idea that had been lying dormant since the summer before when an educator friend broached the idea of creating a cycling program for kids. At the time, Idlet was too busy with her work to give it much thought. "

Hence the creation of CycleKids.

The lesson for us all: identify an opportunity within your passion and go with it.

Yes, you have heard this advice before. This is just a re-affirmation that it works.

Go Julianne!

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