Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Blogging Barriers - Time bound

Josh Hallett has some good writing on Blogging Barriers: Writing - Part 1.

I'll refer to it and the promised follow on postings when I do get stuck.

Usually, I find myself with plenty to say but not enough time to write.

Josh, are you going to address that?

I do work a "normal" job. I am not apologizing for it.
It supports my family and current lifestyle.
But requires a certain amount of time to do it justice.

Family, the house, the cars; yes, all these material things accumulated
require time to manage them.

Troy Worman has posted his "day in the life of" following the meme
of Jon Strande at Business Evolutionist.

I am working on my entry, well actually it's in two parts as
the Mon-Fri routine is much different from the Sat-Sun routine.

There was a time when I could have/would have lived a different life.
But that time is not now, nor likely to come again soon.

I am happy with what I have accomplished,
with what I can do, with what I am,
with where I am going.

I am still moving forward.
I do have goals and objectives.
Some short term, some longer.
Some easy, some stretch.

And while I do wish I had more time
I know I have the capability to manage what I have better!

Jason Kottke has taken a big step in another direction.
He announced today that he will attempt to support himself via his blog.

Jason, I applaud you for the courage to make this decision.
The check (a modest contribution to the cause) will be in the electronic system soon.
I wish you well!

So to summarize this wandering train of thought:
  • What do you do when you are stuck?
  • How do you manage your blogging time?
  • Consider supporting Jason.

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