Monday, February 21, 2005

Blogger Job Descriptions/Survival tools

This is a start but I am sure we can/should add to this listing by Civil Unrest. Thanks to JR Hallet for the link.

What I do here, for example, I do not consider work
hence can't have a "job description" in that sense.

The effort seems effortless at times
Mostly time consuming

Like: It is already past noon today
Half the day off is already gone
and what have I done?

Can I really describe what I have done?

The train of thought has stopped in so many stations today.

A Clear Eye



Radiant Marketing

Crossroads Dispatches

Orbit Now

and this is only a partial listing...

Evelyn ends one of her recent posts with a good quote:

Think of me as a fellow patient in the same hospital who, having been admitted a little earlier, could give some advise. – C.S. Lewis

Some of the reading influenced the writing.

Other pieces are still floating around
trying to stick to something
to make sense
when eventually verbalized
or wordsmithed

Like when shoveling the snow, do I call the shovels implements of war?
Leading you to believe that it is a battle with Nature.

Or do I call them tools of the craft?

For that is more like what they are:

  • the slightly curved shovel for pushing the snow aside
  • the deeply bent handle for lifting the heavy stuff without breaking my back
  • the long handled broom for clearing the cars

Shovels: tools of survival in the New England winter.

Blogging: a tool for making connections in this wired bloggable world that calls for descriptions to help the conversation, but sometimes defy description.

"The writer must be a participant in the scene, while he's writing it."
Hunter S. Thompson 1939 - 2005

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