Thursday, February 24, 2005

Because buildings can't dance

Leave it to Doc Searls to say it very well.

In his posting on corporate blogging; what it should be, what it is not, how many metaphors are mixed in amongst red herrings, etc. he works to climax with this quote:
"When we said, in The Cluetrain Manifesto, that markets are conversations, we meant that conversation trumped all marketing jive. Conversation, and the relationships that follow, are what really matter in real marketplaces — which are places (whether in virtual or physical space) where people meet to do business and make culture. You can't "deliver" conversation. It's not "content." It's not about branding, or media, or building anything other than what conversation does best (better than "messages"): making and changing minds. "

I am not a corporate blogger. While I am in the financial industry, my current role is to coordinate internal desktop support (which is hardly in the SEC headlights) but I expect that corporate blogging is not likely to happen anytime soon.

So I write on personal development, business processes, running, family life, poetry and whatever else catches my attention.
The key being the topic may be something we can discuss.
That we can each improve our own understanding.

If I don't feel I can add some value to the discussion, I let it pass.
There will be other opportunities.

Are you in this for the conversation? or something else?

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